Am citit astazi un articol despre nasterea acasa (home birth) pe care nu pot sa nu-l mentionez aici. Nasterea acasa este un curent modern in tarile dezvoltate prin care gravidele la termen aleg sa renunte la serviciile medicale oferite de spitale pentru a naste acasa cu sau fara o moasa. Multi asociaza nasterea acasa cu feminismul.

Nasterea in general poate fi periculoasa, chiar si in spital. Nasterea acasa este absurda.

Lauren descrie intr-un articol pe blogul personal procesul prin care a trecut pentru a o naste pe Harlow, acasa, dupa ce anterior nascuse prin cezariana(inca am tahicardie).

There are a lot of women in that community and in the world, frankly, who have been exactly where I was 3 1/2 years ago having an unplanned, unwanted and unnecessary surgical birth. Harlow’s birth was wonderful (albeit very painful) and therapeutic and redemptive. It was everything I hoped it would be. That being said, it wasn’t altogether without complication. Here is the story…and be forewarned. This is a story about a baby being born.

Cateva detalii referitoare la complicatie:

Once Harlow’s head was born and her shoulders didn’t come with the next contraction, my midwife became very firm and serious with me. She instructed me to PUSH AS HARD AS YOU CAN AND GET THIS BABY OUT. She immediately had me turn over on all fours. I’d like for you to imagine trying to go from laying on your back to turning over on your hands and knees with a babies head hanging out of your body. It was interesting to say the least, but adrenaline kicked in and as my doula recounted to me, “You turned over like a cat! I’d never seen a pregnant woman turn over so fast!” Once I was on all fours I continued to push with all of my might, but Harlow still was not coming out. She then told me to turn back over, and once I did she was able to manipulate her just enough where she came down and out.

Cu alte cuvinte, a suferit distocie de umar…


Thankfully, and by the sheer grace of God, Harlow was born healthy, albeit with some bruising and a small clavicle fracture. Also, I had no tearing whatsoever.

Cum poti sa mentionezi vaginul intact dupa fractura claviculei? Ce relevanta mai are ca ai evitat o epiziotomie, dar bebelusul a pornit in viata cu o fractura de clavicula, avand potential de consecinte pe termen lung?


"Sănătatea e darul cel mai frumos şi mai bogat pe care natura ştie să-l facă."
Michel de Montaigne
"Un sistem de medicină de familie foarte bine pus la punct, cu medici bine pregătiţi si informati va face ca pacienţii să nu fie nevoiţi să se ducă la spital cu orice afecţiune minoră". Tony Mathie, președintele WONCA Europe